12.12.2023, 18:30 Uhr

7Mind Online-Seminar: Winter Blues

Unmotivated and sluggish during winter? Let’s find out, how you can brighten the dark season up and to engage in mindfulness for doing so.

Das erwartet dich

How to turn the winter blues into swinging jazz! 
Mindfulness, soothing routines, and a healthy dose of self-care can be beneficial for fighting the winter blues. In this online event, you'll learn how to navigate through the cold months more effectively. With practical tips and space to explore what makes you feel good. You'll bid farewell to the winter blues in not time. Additionally, a mindfulness exercise and ample time for individual questions await you.

Unsere Speaker/innen


Juliane Meyer-Benz

Psychologin, Coach und Yoga-Lehrerin Jule ist als Content Managerin bei 7Mind tätig. Ihr liebstes Diskussionsthema: Wie hängen Körper und Geist zusammen und wie beeinflussen sie sich gegenseitig?

Psychologist, coach, and yoga teacher Jule serves as Content Manager at 7Mind. Her favorite topic of discussion: How are the body and mind interconnected, and how do they mutually influence each other?

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